Connecting business to business and business to opportunities and communities
City of Acequia
City of Albion
City of Elba
City of Burley
Castle Rocks State Park
City of Almo
Lake Walcott
City of Rocks National Reserve
The Chamber is actively inviting everyone to come and join us in our activities. Check out our upcoming events and learn more about the Chamber's activities and plans.
More than just a fantastic social-club, the Mini-Cassia Chamber of Commerce is the local vehicle that enables people to work together to improve business and to build a better community. As a member of the Mini-Cassia Chamber of Commerce, you join with other business professionals in a partnership of progress interested in preserving the quality of life in the Mini-Cassia area.
"Mini-Cassia" is short for Minidoka & Cassia, two neighboring counties located in South-Central Idaho. In 1993 the Rupert and Burley chambers merged to create our Chamber, which now has hundreds of businesses as members and covers all 12 towns in the two-county area. Our Chamber is governed by 12 elected, volunteer directors, who actively create programs to promote the area and benefit local businesses.
"Working with us opens an enormous opportunity of growth"
I trust this finds you all safe & well.
This is indeed an interesting time, with ever changing circumstances – oft times minute by minute. It does require tenacity, patience, & an attempt to stay steady.
The Mini-Cassia Chamber of Commerce remains an advocate for business, plain & simple. If there is any way we can assist you thru this challenging period, we will. We have several different ways to reach your customers; albeit through our weekly e blast newsletter, the Monday Motivator, our website @ minicassiachamber.com, our weekly radio broadcasts, or special social media posts. We want to help.
If you have operational changes or special offers or immediate announcements, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us.
Our new theme around here is : “Put your money where your heart is”. Now more than ever, we are encouraging people to continue to support local business.
We are indeed “Idaho Strong”. We will be on the other side of this soon. Take care of each other, check on your neighbors & keep the faith.
Bless each of you,
Events may be cancelled or postponed - please check with organizations to verify status of event
Text to 866-866-5545 the word MiniCassia for Organization's App of Apps to receive more information.
1177 7th Street
Heyburn, ID 83336